Reviewer Guidelines

IJASSH remains focused to disseminate scientific knowledge, and the credibility of the published paper totally depends on the efficient mechanism of peer review. A significant part of the publishing process is the examination of manuscripts. In order to ensure that the scientific content of the manuscript is on line with our expectations, reviewers are invited to make an assessment and provide recommendations. It is not intended for reviewers to rewrite an article. IJASSH reviewers are asked to provide the accompanying manuscript with genuine, constructive review feedback and criticisms. Within the clearly stated timeframe, a reviewer has to check the papers obtained from the editorial office or the editor.

In order to help publish reliable, insightful, and creative articles geared towards the interests of undergraduate and graduate students, manuscript reviewers are important. In order to eventually determine which manuscripts will be published in the journal/publication/paper, IJASSH relies on the experience and expertise of its reviewers. A significant first step in the publishing process is reviewing manuscripts.

Guidelines Benefits: